The Topics Covered
A) The Role of EU Institutions in the Legislative Procedures
B) Legislative Procedures
1. Ordinary legislative procedure
- Codecision procedure
2. Special legislative procedures
- Consent procedure
- Consultation procedure
3. Exercise on legislative procedures
C) Preparatory Acts and Legislative Procedures
1. PreLex
3. COM Documents4. SEC Documents
D) How to Challenge the Legal Basis of an Act?
E) Non-Legislative Procedures
1. European Council alone
2. Council of Ministers alone
3. Commission alone
4. Council of Ministers and Commission together
2. Council of Ministers alone
3. Commission alone
4. Council of Ministers and Commission together
5. Comitology
6. Social partners
F) Exercise on Legislative and Non-Legislative Procedures
G) The Role of National Parliaments in EU Decisionmaking
1. Protocol on the Role of National Parliaments in the European Union
2. Protocol on the Principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality
3. Questions for Discussion
H) References