1 Introduction
A Atmospheric block
2 Atmospheric deposition of nutrients
B Runoff block
3 Agriculture and the Water Quality Impacts
4 Nutrient supply by rivers
5 Coastal Nutrient Inputs from Groundwater: Case Studies from the East Coast of the United States
6 Drainage basin use and nutrient supply by rivers to the coastal zone.
C Pelagic block
7 Eutrophication and phytoplankton
8 Eutrophication, primary production and vertical export
9 Harmful Algal Blooms
10 Interactive impacts of human activities and storm events on coastal nutrient loading and eutrophication
11 Eutrophication and dose-response relationships in European coastal waters
D Benthic block
12 Marine eutrophication and benthic metabolism
13 Benthic phosphorus release from sediment to water
14 Benthic-pelagic coupling
E Mariculture, ecological quality and cultural eutrophication
15 Resource utilization and ecosytem sustainability
16 Assessment of Ecological Quality
17 Cultural eutrophication: perspectives and prospects
F Case studies
18 Northern Adriatic Sea
19 Gulf of Riga, the Baltic Sea
20 East African Great Lakes
21 Lakes Peipsi and Võrtsjärv