Class participation | 20% |
Field-trip participation | 10% |
Course paper | 20% |
Final exam | 50% |
A. Natural environment: the geology, geomorphology, and hydrology of the Baltic Region and Estonia in particular, the natural history of the region, climatic changes, development of landscapes and biological communities, major landscape types.
B. Biological communities: flora, fauna, and vegetation in Estonia; biotic communities within the last century, major plant cover types and corresponding terrestrial ecosystems - forests (coniferous and deciduous), peatlands, grasslands, inland waterbodies - rivers and lakes, the Baltic Sea.
C. Human impact on ecosystems: regional environmental concerns and problems, the impact of industrial (air, surface and groundwater), agricultural (surface and groundwater, soil), settlement (surface water, solid waste) and traffic (air and soil) pollution along with forestry and tourism on the ecosystems of Estonia, changes in landuse and landscapes in the last centuries, today's trends, the state of the Baltic Sea.
D. Protected areas and biodiversity: nature conservation and protected areas, endangered species. Sustainable development of Estonia and the region.
Workshop for presenting and discussion of the term reports
Final exam
Suggested schedule:
Lectures are hold 2 hours weekly through weeks 1 to 16 (September 1 - December 21, 1997), last workshop and exam are hold in January 1997. Possible changes in the schedule will be discussed between the leacturer and students for each case separately.
Field trips
NB. Timing of field trips may be adjusted depending on weather conditions and possible combining with visits to cultural objects.
Field trip 1 - Southern Estonia (September 6, 1997) landscape patterns, biodiversity
Field trip 3 - North-East Estonia (October 4, 1997) landscape patterns, biodiversity, impact of industry, major environmental problem regions
Field trip 2, Western Estonia and islands (September 12-14, 1997), landscape patterns, biodiversity
Arold, I. Estonian Landscapes. Factors of landscape formation and landscape investigation in Estonia. Landscape regions. Tartu, 1993, 92 p.
Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings, No. 48. The Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme. Helsinki Commission, 1993.
Environmental Status Reports: 1993. Volume Five: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. World Conservation Union. East European Programme, 1993, 195 p.
Estonian Environment 1991. Environmental Report 4, Helsinki, 1991, 64 p.
Estonian Environment 1992. Environmental Report 6, Helsinki, 1993, 92 p.
Estonian Environment 1993. Estonian Environmental Information Centre, Tallinn, 1994, 94 p.
Estonian Environment 1994. Estonian Environmental Information Centre, Tallinn, 1995, 112 p.
Estonian Environment 1995. Estonian Environmental Information Centre, Tallinn, 1996, 96.
Estonian Environment 1996. Estonian Environmental Information Centre, Tallinn, 1997.
Estonia’s First National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Ministry of Environment of Estonia, Tallinn, 1995, 38 p.
Estonian Mineral Resources. Ministry of Environment of Estonia, Tallinn, 1994, 61 p.
National Report of Estonia to UNCED. Ministry of Environment of Estonia, Tallinn, 1992, 42 p.
Valk, U. (Ed.) Estonian Peatlands (English Summary of a book in Estonian), Tallinn, 1988, pp. 319 - 333.
Valk, U., Eilart, J. (Eds.) Estonian Forests (English Summary of a book in Estonian), Tallinn, 1974, pp. 270 - 280.
Water Pollution and Quality in Estonia. Environmental Report 7, Helsinki, 1993, 56 p.