Under revision
Name: Tõnu Oja
Date of birth: 28. juuni 1955 Birthplace: Tartu, Eesti
Citizen of the Republic of Estonia
Family status: married 15.08.1979 wife Tatjana Oja
Lapsed: Katrin Oja
Mari-Klara Oja
Home address: Employer:
Sepavälja 39 Professor
EE 2400 Tartu Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu
ph. 3727473517 EE-2400 Tartu
phone +3727375076, fax. +3727375825
Language skills: Estonian, English, Russian fluent


M.Härma Gymnasium, Tartu, Estonia1962 - 1973
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Tartu, Estonia1973 - 1978
PhD study (part-time/off-campus) at Estonian Academy of Sciences1982 - 1984
Given diploma/degrees:
Diplom. mathematician (BSc), University of Tartu1978
PhD in biology (ecology 03.00.16), University of Tartu1985
Continued education:
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Soviet Academy of Sciences, Pushtchino, Russia,
“Modelling the distribution of assimilates” January-May 1979
Evening university of Tartu, Department of Sociology 1983 - 1985
UNB, Fredericton, N.B., Canada
“Impact of sulfate-nitrate deposition to forest soils” nov. 1990 - aprill 1991
Professional career
Eesti (NSV)Estonian Academy of Sciences , Institute of Zoology and Botany, engineer, senior engineer1977 - 1983
Estonian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology and Botany, Senior Research Scientist Head of the Group of Mathematical Ecology 1983 - 1988
University of Tartu, Laboratory of Ecosystems, Senior Research Scientist 1988-1992
The University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., Canada Visiting Scientist 1992 - 1997,
10-12 weeks a year
University of Tartu, Institute of Geography, Senior Research Scientist 1992-1997
University of Tartu, in duty of Professor in Geoinformatics and Cartography 1996 -1997
University of Tartu, Professor in Geoinformatics and Cartography 1997 -
University of Tartu, Head of the institute of geography 1998 - 2003


Major fields of scientific interest
Structure and dynamics of forest ecosystems (research in succession and root systems), Nutrient cycling in the system soil-vegetation-atmosphere, Impact of environment to spatial - temporal dynamics of nutrients and resulting landscape changes
Scientific publications total 69, incl. 19 full papers in 1993-1997 (plus abstracts)

Research support and grants received
Estonian Science Foundation grant 1389 “Spatial-temporal modelling of nutrient cycling in buffer ecosystems (ecotones)”, 1995
Estonian Science Foundation grant 2461 “Spatial-temporal modelling of nutrient cycling in natural and seminatural landscapes”, 1996 - 1997
Estonian Ministry of Environment National Monitoring program, “Mapping critical loads for Estonia”, 1995.- 1997,
Personal grant to work at UNB, modelling nutrient cycling in forested ecosystems, 1992-1997, 10-12 weeks a year
Swedish Nature Conservation Society/SIDA (via Estonian Green Movement) “Feasibility study of the Selja River catchment area for improvement of environmental conditions”

Scientific organizational activities
Organizing conferences
Estonian Conferences of Ecology I - 1978, II - 1982, III - 1985, IV - 1988, VII - 1997 - member of organizing committee
All (Soviet) Union conference “Stability and productivity of forest ecosystems”, Tartu, 29-31.10.1985 - academic secretary of the organizing committe
International conference “Stability and productivity of forest ecosystems”, Tallinn, 1986 - academic secretary of the organizing committeE
V International Conference on System Analysis Approach: Energy, Environment and Natural Resource Management in the Baltic Sea Region Tallinn, 18-21.05.1993 - member of organizing committee
IALE International Conference “Perspectives of Rural Landscapes in Europe”, Pärnu 20- 23.06.1996, member of organizing committee

Member of scientific councils:
Estonian Agricultural University, Institute of Environmental Protection, member of scientific council, since 1996
Member of the advisory board of the journal “Estonian Nature” 1990-1995

Membership in professional societies
International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE), Estonian Naturalists’ Society, Estonian Ecological Council, Special Interest Network on ecological networks (LYNX), International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM)

In expert commissions
State Commission for Estonian Economical Independence (IME), 1987
Secretary of the State commission for additional research in ecological consequences of new phosphate mines 1987-1988
Expert in the UN ECE workshops for mapping critical loads 1992, 1994
Estonian representative in Task Force for Mapping since 1994
Expert in the workshop of the International Geo-Biosphere Program project Biological Aspects of Hydrological Cycle1993
State Commission for Sustainable Development of Estonia 1996 -
Environmental expert for synthetic scenarios “Estonia 2010” 1996 -
Licensed expert for EIA1993 - 1996


(last five years)
Lecture courses at IGUTBasic ecology, Global ecology, Geosüsteemide modelleerimine, Environmental monitoring, Cartography, Field practice in Physical Geoghraphy, Advanced seminar in landscape ecology 1992 - 1997
Int-l/ NORFA PhD course, Spatial/temporal modelling of nutrient fluxes, Tartu, 1995
UT Baltic Studies course Estonian Nature and Environment 1996, 1997
UT Open University course of environmental advisors 1996
Supervision of post-graduate studies - 19 MSc thesis and 7 PhD thesis


Chairman of the Estonian Green Movement, Friends of the Earth Estonia 1991-
Member of the International Excom of FoEI 1991-1992
Editing and publication of the “Ecology Book” by H. Pleijel in Estonian 1993
Articles in daily papers, journals, radio, TV, public lectures related to environmental issues since 1978

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