On the edge of being relatives:
family narratives about the separation and uniting of relatives
Irina Razumova
Just like any memory, family
memory is characterised by its selectiveness, individualisation,
a special balance between remembering and forgetting, in case
of events thought being preferred to facts (Blonski 1935: 183;
Rogovin 1977: 30-31; Chekunova 1993: 100; Brewer 1994), also
its dependence on mnemotechnique, primarily on its written form
(Vygotski & Luria 1993: 21, 175). In oral tradition the lack
of written data is compensated by mythological concepts, subjective
preferences, general historical imaginations, etc.
The smooth flow of life on
the pre-text level becomes discreet in individual and especially
in public memory: key and significant moments, the meanings of
which are estimated in retrospection, will become distinct and
background elements will stay aside (Neklyudov 1995: 78), therefore
events will be placed unevenly on the timeline of family memory.
Absolute ('calendrical') chronology
is rarely detected in stories reflecting family history. If dates
are mentioned in the story, they usually indicate to documented
sources. Most chronological statements from earlier history are
limited to the century (with the exactness of the third of century)
or pointing out 'times': "They came here from Siberia before
the time of Peter I" (Larissa, 22), etc. More frequently
the time is determined through family events.
Similarly to the structure
of any biographical and autobiographical stories, time is used
as the main structural element in the stories of family history.
Dating is of secondary importance; it is done by mentioning events
and is quite approximate. For example, the conviction that ancestors
are immigrants from Novgorod, allows concluding that they lived
in Kargopolye since the 14th century; their 'Polish' surname
and the place of residence of relatives - Vyatka - give rise
to the conclusion that they came (were exiled) from Poland in
1863 after the uprising, etc.
It is characteristic that timelines
lack the general sequence of events on one axis, the starting
point may be any event that the teller knows and regards
as a landmark (Potaenko 1997: 115). For the researcher of
family tradition the typology of events is important - the typology
which structures the biography of family and shapes accordingly
the time structure of oral history.
The internal time of family
history may be observed on two levels. The first level is a genealogical
model that forms the time range of the given group and is
expressed in terms of generations - from forefathers in the past
to future descendants (Toporov 1973: 123). Within every generation
the central events are marriage and the birth of children, i.e.
the creation of the next generation. On the second level, the
internal time of family history joins a linear and cyclical model,
through which the exchange of generation is shown and the knowledge
of a related group is recreated. In stories reflecting family
life the time structure is made up of a number of events, including
marriages and divorces, birth and death of relatives, other personal
events of the life cycle, redistribution of roles, separation
and reunion of family members, changes in the status of the family
(also changes in the social status of an individual) and changes
in the place of living, working, etc. The way in which the above
events are accentuated forms the foundation of the heritage and
personal narratives - of traditional family history.
In the following we handle
the structure of those plots in which the opposition of the union/separation
of relatives is depicted. Such plots are among the basic structures
of family narratives because the achievement of the unity of
a group is also the concept and basis of the existence of a family.
The semantics of union/separation, which is in the most detailed
way presented in the thematic core: the union/dissolution of
a married couple is dominant in the 'family text' and it organises
the time space of the stories.
The material we deal with -
oral stories and other texts - have been recorded by the informants
themselves. The informants are mostly young people (17-30 years
of age) living in the northwestern part of Russia (the regions
of Karelia, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Leningrad). The material
was collected from 1997 to 2000.
The separation of relatives
is primarily a conflict situation. Differently from 'ideal' situations,
which are expressed in few words, even formally, plots that deal
with conflicts make full use of their resources. It is characteristic
that only a few know of quarrels between blood relatives. Such
conflicts occur mostly between 'fathers and children' about the
children creating their own family and between brothers and sisters
about property after the parents' death.
Stories about conflicts between in-laws are so widespread that
it can be concluded that certain tension in this respect may
be regarded normative. For instance, there is an understanding
that witchcraft can be passed on to blood relatives only (Svetlana,
24 yrs.). Often good relationships with one's mother-in-law are
pointed out - it is regarded as worth mentioning and affirming,
thus proving that this fact is interpreted as quite unusual.
The dissatisfaction of parents with the marriage of the young
and their absence from their wedding is often mentioned in the
stories without any attempt to motivate their behaviour, i.e.
it is considered absolutely natural.
On the other hand, an inherited
regularity may be seen in such conflict:
In my relatives' stories
I noticed that when a woman marries a man from our family, her
relationships with her close relatives deteriorate. (Elena, 17 yrs.)
This confirms the strength
of one's own family, which is fixed with each new marriage. There
are also situations of opposite nature, where the 'miserable
fate' of the family is acknowledged, reflected by accidents that
have happened to the members of the family.
One of the main reasons for
the split between families is the unacceptability of the other
family's characteristic occupation:
The Aksentyev family was
not very good. Whereas because they have practised and they still
practise witchcraft [---];
relatives on my grandfather's side did not associate with them
[---]. The Filippovs were a family of teachers [---].
And I think this is the reason why these two families do not
fuse. (Marina, 17 yrs.)
Misunderstandings between families
are reflected in the description of class and professional inequality,
the main criteria of estimation belonging to the field of property,
education and ethics. Generally it is marked as the opposition
of the 'cultured' and 'uncultured':
His [ex-husband's - I. R.] family were very proud
of their pedigree. And wherever possible, they definitely mention
that his grandmother was the daughter of a wealthy lord of the
manor; that everyone in that family was educated, cultured and
well-bred; that everyone lived in wealth, ate from silver dishes,
etc. [---] They all were confused, horrified by the fact
that I was a country woman from a Karelian village, that my parents
were common people. And naturally, it haunted all through our
life together. (Angelica, 29 yrs.)
According to the collected
data the marriage conflict usually occurs as a collision between
families. It is also proved by the discourse structure of 'disentangling
relationships', which the opinion of relatives is relied on and
affirmation is found in similar situations.
The closest people are suspected
of wanting to take everything that belongs to relatives. This
is associated not only with divorce or the violent 'rebirth'
of a relative (Since he married, he has been as if exchanged!),
such fears are also related to 'territorial' usurpation:
Grandfather said that she
[his sister-in-law
- I. R.] imagined that all her husband's relatives wanted
to move to her place in Bryansk and then turn her out of her
own house; and that her mother-in-law was behind all this.
(Alla, 17 yrs.)
In the separation of families
the material and spiritual beginnings are markedly opposed. The
conviction of the avarice of in-laws is the universal motivation
of conflicts; it is made real in stories about dramatic and tragic
Grandmother toiled hard
to win her husband's parents faith in her. Although her dowry
was more important for them than her inner qualities. (Ekaterina, 17 yrs.)
Grandfather's family was
very rich, but they did not take grandmother and her four children
[after her husband
was called to the front - I. R.] to their place. And grandmother
had to give the children to the orphanage. (Tatyana, 18 yrs.)
Grandfather's mother died
in childbirth when grandfather was three. Her mother-in-law grudged
the horse to send for the doctor.
(Anna, 20 yrs.)
The most successful way of
avoiding conflicts is spatial separation: the young couple's
freestanding living room in the general family residence, moving
to live separately, etc. For example the explanation that follows
the story how mother-in-law 'began a battle' against her daughter-in-law:
Even after the wedding attempts
were made to break the relationships, but the young Smirnov couple
travelled on business all over the country, i.e. they had a chance
to live independent life.
(Anna, 17 yrs.)
It becomes evident in the stories
that the relatives of the husband (wife) try to prevent such
separation, attempting to preserve their sphere of power. Motivating
their action, they refer to moving away to live separately as
being against the norm in the 'past' (it was not customary)
and to the greed of the in-laws. For example: sister-in-law,
from whose place the young couple moved away, sues them. According
to the informant (the story is about her parents), the family
supposed that it "did not pay off" (Emilia, 17 yrs.).
The 'expansion' of in-laws
(usually women) who have gained rights over a new family member
is revealed in that even in the case of very conflictive relationships
they prevent divorce, therewith applying even means of magic.
A woman, who "could not leave" her husband, was told
it was because of her "mother-in-law's efforts". Only
after consulting a witch for nine times she could get a divorce
(Marina, 24 yrs.).
The mutual relationships of
mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, mother-in-law and son-in-law
and sisters-in-law are revealed similarly to classical folklore
genres (fairy-tales, ballads, etc.) The relationships between
mother-in-law and daughter-in-law or mother-in-law and son-in-law
form according to different models and in concord with traditional
role divisions functioning among relatives (the daughter-in-law's
subordinate status in the 'strange' house, the son-in-law's independent
status) and with the mutual disruption of people of the same
A wife's mother may have similar
functions to those of the husband's mother: she 'charms' the
son-in-law to her daughter, sometimes also 'separates' the couple
by means of magic, although generally such demonic features that
are characteristic to a husband's mother are not her nature.
In the following example she charms, proceeding from her approval
of her future relative:
Grandmother decided that
she would marry, they sow potatoes, and then she divorces him.
But grandmother's mother liked the son-in-law and as she was
a witch, she did it so that grandmother could not leave her husband. (Anna, 20 yrs.)
The acquaintance of mother-in-law
and son-in-law before the couple gets acquainted is seen as a
predestined and positive omen. A similar motive about mother-in-law
and daughter-in-law has not been detected.
The sphere of the functions
of the sisters-in-law is more limited. They are much more often
given a negative characterisation than positive, and it may be
paralleled with the traditional plots of fairy-tales and ballads.
In the brother's wife the right
of the in-laws for the new relative becomes manifest to the extent
of the relative's total 'separation' from her parents' family:
According to grandmother
she [brother's wife
- I. R. ] was a very evil and quarrelsome woman. That was
the reason why after marrying her Ivan stayed away from his family.
Even when he died [---] his wife did not inform grandmother
[i.e. his sister - I. R.] about it, she learnt about the
death of her brother incidentally from total strangers. (Anna,
17 yrs.)
In certain circumstances the
brother's wife may favour the expulsion of her husband's younger
or minor relatives, for instance she drove her husband's minor
sister "out in the street" in winter (Anna, 18 yrs.).
It is a common belief that brothers' wives/daughters-in-law bind
their brothers/sons to them, support the shaping of the worst
qualities in them (for example make them into drunkards)
and stand out with their dirtiness. Similar characteristics are
often transferred to uncles' wives and the wives of other male
Husband's sisters are characterised
slightly differently. Like in classical folklore the husband's
sister is obviously associated with exorcism, as a result of
which the husband drives his wife to exile (see SUS 706, 707
e.a.). The same pattern is also met in personal narratives.
Grandfather left for the
front very soon. Grandmother lived together with mother-in-law
and sister-in-law. [---].
Once grandmother got a letter from grandfather announcing that
she was free now and could hang around as much as she wanted.
It came out that sister-in-law had maligned grandmother. [---]
And [grandmother] went to her relatives in Kondopoga.
And after a few months grandfather found her. (Olga, 17 yrs.)
This family story is built
up on the plot of a fairy-tale, which incidentally coincides
with reality. Like in various other cases, here the culturally
familiar stereotype defines the choice of material that is
preserved in collective memory as something vital (Neklyudov
1998: 292). With regard to the above I would like to point out
that while it is normal to repeat the plot of a fairy-tale, a
genre that is orientated to family relations and values, in personal
narratives, yet sometimes it is done deliberately. If real life
is not fabulous, it may be interpreted like that. For example
in stories about good stepmothers (also mothers-in-law):
It is like in a fairy-tale
about a stepmother, only in a fairy-tale the stepmother is evil,
but here she is good
[a summary about grandmother - mother's stepmother at the end
of the narrative]. (Elena, 17 yrs.)
It can be seen that in conflict
situations the family of in-laws is represented mainly by females
who demonstrate their right for the new relative and in such
a way act as the embodiment of the concept of family.
Like aforesaid, the birth of
a baby who unites the two families reduces the acuteness of the
conflict. It does not always have to be the first child, as the
child who unites families must take after the members of the
hostile family:
For a full year grandmother
did not come to my cradle and she did not allow her son to babysit
[---]. When I was
one year old, she came to me for the first time and saw that
the second child was similar to the Davydovs, including her (but
the first took after the Korshiyevs). Her first words were: "This
is ours". After that she started to love me. (Irina,
17 yrs.)
If the conflict is solved in
a negative way the relationships are not only discontinued but
also the death of a member of family is possible. The most typical
cases are the disease and death of the daughter-in-law (her child,
grandmother) as a result of the evil intentions of mother-in-law,
or the opposite situation - the death of mother-in-law (father-in-law)
as a response to the behaviour of daughter-in-law:
After the war, when grandfather
brought grandmother [his
young wife - I. R.] home, great-grandfather had an attack
- he died because he could not endure such insolence. (Larissa,
19 yrs.)
The husband's mother died
after her daughter-in-law threw away a family relic. (N., 35 yrs.)
Whereas the conflict between
families is to a certain extent 'natural', the separation of
blood relatives is considered as the violation of natural balance.
Therefore such stories are characterised by the difference in
the narrative structures and plot motivations. The plots of the
first type spring from the motif of uniting and develop in the
direction of gaining welfare, the final discontinuation of relationships
or a tragic solution. Plots of the other type emphasise separation
and reasons for separation, not always taking the narrative to
the logical end of a realistic situation, fixing it in quite
a stable way.
The idea that a conflict between
blood relatives is against the norm brings along the exaggeration
of external circumstances as the reasons of the conflict in the
narrative. The stories of this group represent the metaplot of
the opposition of substantially intrafamilial and social reality.
At the same time, the conflict situation presumes that the parties
take a personal attitude, revealing the central role of an individual
in the emergence of the unbalance of the group. Among the most
permanent conflicts is the dissolution of a family because of
political (religious) reasons: one of great-grandmother's brothers
fought for the Whites, the other for the Reds, because of that
"they nearly never met, but when they did, they refused
to talk about the war" (Svetlana, 17 yrs. Also see: Razumova
1998: 626, no. 13); mother's nanny was religious and "she
did not want to live in the house of mother's parents, because
Stalin's portrait was in the large room" and therefore she
did not spend her childhood in her parents' house (Maria, 18
The most frequent reason for
quarrels and discontinuation of relationships between related
families is the conflict of the material interests of brothers
and sisters when legacy is distributed, although such stories
exist only in a very limited circle. The external, 'historical'
situation is an additional stimulus to such conflicts:
During the Finnish war grandmother
("an active communist") burnt the copies of documents
that certified their right for the family store, this caused
trouble with her brother.
(Yulia, 18 yrs.)
Inequality in property and
also in social status is from the point of view of the family
the most likely and most impressive statement when interpreting
unsolved crime. For example, great-grandfather, who managed to
'separate' before collectivisation and therefore was not expropriated,
had a house which was burnt down; the family thought that relatives
were involved in it because it had not occurred to them to do
the same and consequently they suffered (Svetlana, 17 yrs.).
The narratives are far from
presenting the entire diversity of familial conflict situations.
The typology and ways of realising these situations belong to
special research (Kushkova 1999). In this case I am interested
in these as in facts expressing the separation of relatives (they
outline the plot of separating), because each act of separation,
like any act of the opposite nature, is crucial and therefore
mentioned in the family calendar.
The largest number of forms
of expression and ways of interpretation can be found in the
descriptions of territorial separation. In case of leaving without
a conflict it is forced, non-final and can be overcome with the
help of different means of communication, including spiritual
ones. The range of the area separating relatives and the actual
borders (from the house borders to national borders) are perceived
differently, depending on familial and personal attitudes. Thus
a relative living abroad may remain a member of the family, but
he may also be regarded lost, 'dead'. In the latter case living
in another state may be considered 'betrayal' against one's country
and/or family:
One of grandfather's brothers
was taken a prisoner of war and he settled in Sweden. My grandfather
and his father disavowed him. They considered him a traitor.
Only a while before his death grandfather forgave his brother
and went to meet him in Leningrad. (Elena, 17 yrs.)
In different circumstances
the separation of relatives and the emigration of some relatives
could be one of the possibilities of self-preservation of the
family. For example, the emigration of the two elder brothers
of grandfather and their families into Finland in 1917 was decided
at a family meeting. From that point on the family was regarded
as consisting of two branches and communication between the two
depended in different times entirely on the political situation
(Emilia, 17 yrs.).
In situations of territorial
separation (leaving, departure, etc.) there is always a ritual
moment of farewell, which symbolises the temporary withdrawal
of a relative for an indefinite time period. This is true not
only about the traditional sending someone to the army, but also
about the family farewell to children who go to study and to
family members whose job requires their absence from home; it
also concerns the departure of relatives after a 'traditional
reunion' and a number of other events. In many families daily
home-leaving is also a ritual procedure. The ritual of farewell,
the purpose of which is to support the balance of the group,
is orientated to the future happy return of the loved one, even
if the prospective for that are rather vague. Older relatives
tend to regard such farewells as 'the last', and may present
their oral texts in a form similar to the last will.
Stories of important meetings
and leave-takings make up a substantial if not large part of
family narratives. Coinciding with the central signposts of the
life cycle, such events create another rhythm level in the history
of relatives as a group. On one hand these stories fix the orderliness
of the temporary losses and meetings of relatives in between
actual births and deaths and on the other hand they create a
one-way process, showing either the gradual weakening or strengthening
of the family.
In recent years the 'reunion'
of relatives has become a popular subject, induced by (a) the
re-establishment of relationships that discontinued in the course
of historical shocks and (b) getting acquainted with 'new', i.e.
previously unknown relatives. The story how relatives who had
gone to Finland (Sweden, Germany) 'turned up', is built up on
search (which is more frequently initiated by representatives
of the family living abroad). The course and stages of the search
are described in detail, the obligatory 'first letter' and the
first meeting is mentioned and finally the firmness of relationships
is stated. The motif of 'searching' may be replaced by 'unexpectedly
finding out', for instance finding a family name in a newspaper,
which leads to further communication.
The unexpected meeting of relatives
far from home is important, especially in critical conditions
like during the war. Depending on the context of the events such
meeting may be interpreted as 'a granted farewell'. Unforgettable
are the first meetings of relatives who were not acquainted before,
whereas the narratives focus on some external details. The most
marked are situations that combine both of the mentioned matters:
an unexpected and first meeting - the relatives know each other
on a 'foreign' territory according to physical features, an occasional
phrase, etc.
Among the most important meetings
belong meetings after a long separation, after 'losing' one another
(for example children during the war), and they involve a fear
of not recognising the relative. Stories about such meetings
are dramatic and very emotional, because as a rule the reunion
follows hardships. Stories about return from the front are also
significant. These include a typical feature 'son does not recognise
his father':
Father comes from the front.
But Kolka was small, he saw him - and ran away! And cries to
his mother: "Mother, mother, there's a soldier!" Father
- "soldier". How we laughed! (Elena V., 77 yrs.; similar version - Anna, 17
A relative who has returned
after long absence - especially from the war, army service, another
country, etc. - has to be 'recognised' again (he comes as 'a
different person') or at least he acquires some kind of 'other'
Mother recalled how her
mother talked about her father who came from the war against
Germany: "Father came from the front and spoke German -
'mersi', 'mersi'".
(Aleksandr, 20 yrs.)
According to their sisters,
brothers 'change' after service in the army so that their relationships
become different: instead of quarrels there will be friendly
affection, instead of friendship, however, estrangement.
If the close ones are not recognised
at all, it proves that separation has exceeded a certain limit.
In the following example sister and brother went to visit their
So that we came and stood
with my brother on the threshold. But grandmother thought that
some kind of correspondents came (we had a camera with us), and
started to set the house in order [---] But there was an old man, an acquaintance
of grandmother. He looks at Igor and calls out: "Lida, look,
your grandson came with his wife, and you don't recognise him".
(Irina, 17 yrs.)
The importance of the situation
is amplified by the fact that a strange person recognised the
relatives first, because of which, according to the informant,
especially grandmother was later surprised.
Another narrative, in a certain
sense similar to the above situation, shows that a child does
not recognise her mother because she is 'at work from morning
till night'; the daughter asks father: " 'what woman is
that?' - and only after mother changed her job, the daughter
began to call her mother" (Irina, 17 yrs.).
The specific narrative patterns
of the separation/union of relatives depict the internal estrangement/approach
of individual members of the family or small groups and these
can be followed in the system of mutual relations. Either may
be the result of an incident, transition of generations or traditional
division of roles:
Father [---] was not the most loved one
of the three sons. It is more likely related to the fact that
usually the family likes the first child very much [---],
but the youngest - that is the youngest also in Africa. So that
the middle one remains. (Olga, 19 yrs.)
They [grandfather and his brothers - I. R.] were
all very friendly and they did everything together: both on party
days and when hunting. But after the brothers got married, no
one needed another, everybody had their own family, their own
problems. And although they live together, the houses, gardens
of the three brothers are next to one another, they are worse
than strangers are. (Alla, 17 yrs.)
Such regrets, referring to
the friendly relations of previous generations, are commonly
Mutual attractions and disruptions
reveal intrafamilial relationships that are also reflected in
the vocabulary that is used to denote relatives. Granddaughter
calls her grandmother 'mother', because grandmother brings her
up, while her real mother is "organising her personal life"
(Svetlana, 18 yrs.); daughter calls her stepfather, whom she
loves, and her own father, who she sides with, both 'fathers'
(Svetlana, 17 yrs.); the closest older relatives of the second
and third generation are simply called by their names, etc.
The various forms of uniting
and separating in their combinations and the ways of interpreting
these forms have an important function in family narratives as
well as in life today.
Translated by Ann Kuslap
