Estonian deaf biographies.
The making of studies
Liina Paales
Today several branches of science
are interested in studying the origin and identity of human being
and the continuity of the humankind. In some respects human genetics,
a branch of the highly popular gene technology, may be regarded
as mapping of the physical memory of human being, as a result
of which the gene map of an individual will become as natural
in the future as a family tree based on genealogical data is
Folkloristics is interested
in issues connected with the mental continuity of an individual
or a group: with memory and remembering. How time and events
are stored in the human mind and the regularities and peculiarities
how they are transmitted and presented may be clarified, for
instance, by studying family tradition and biographies. The range
of interest of folklorists and ethnologists also extends to some
so-called marginal groups, different minorities or otherwise
special people. One of the topical issues is concerned with norms
established in the society and deviations from these norms. This
article deals with one of such areas: the deaf are observed as
a cultural-lingual minority group.
Attitudes to deafness have
varied over different eras and cultural areas. Deafness has been
accepted as normal or abnormal, but also a phenomenon related
to divine predetermination. The interpretation of hearing disability
is dependent on several aspects (economic, social, cultural,
etc.) and varies on the scale unwell-well. (1)
Today in handling the problems
of the history, sign language, education and other areas related
to the deaf, a new viewpoint is gathering popularity: deafness
is not seen as a disability only, but also as specificity of
human capabilities. The visual-gestural communication or sign
language and other outputs of deaf culture are considered as
diversifying the human culture (Carmel 1996).
The aim of this article is
to analyse the prerequisites and possibilities of studying the
life stories of the Estonian deaf. In this task I rely on my
earlier research in the field of Estonian deaf tradition. (2)
In the following I am going to treat the deaflore from the point
of studying biographies, searching for the possibilities that
arise from the mentioned viewpoint. I am primarily interested
in Estonian material. On the basis of theoretical literature
on deaf research published in America and England I am going
to introduce the specifics of studying the biographies of deaf
people. I also present a survey of Estonian sources that include
biographical materials of people with hearing disability. The
term 'biography' will be treated in a broader sense, meaning
different types of biographical material (reminiscences, narratives
about biographical incidences, fragments, etc.). In the article
I handle selected texts published in written media between the
years 1935-1996.
About deaf biographies
The narrative tradition in
sign language forms one of the most varied and abundant part
of deaf folklore. The places of narrating are any places where
the deaf meet: schools, camps, clubs for the deaf, different
public and family events, etc. Some of the stories in sign language
are biographical stories. The biographical aspect, depending
on the aims and intentions of research, may be the life stories
of deaf individuals or also the social structure and life of
the deaf community as a whole.
The term narrative as a text
should be defined relatively broadly when the deaf are concerned,
i.e. it cannot be limited to a text expressed in the heard or
written word. When studying the biographies of the deaf, also
such means of expression like a videotaped text in sign language
must be considered. I have met some illiterate and non-speaking
elderly deaf people, who have learnt to use the sign language
from other deaf, so they can still express themselves.
In order to deal with the folklore
of the deaf one has to know sign language. This leads to the
discussion whether only the deaf or also hearers can handle deaf
folklore (see Möbius 1992: 395). It is stated that a hearer
researcher can never interpret the material as thoroughly as
a deaf would, because he/she lacks the experience of being deaf.
At the same time - the interested deaf lack theoretical knowledge
how to collect material, study and interpret their culture. The
worst option would be the deaf being passive recipients of information,
and the information being transmitted to them by hearers from
their point of view.
Another group of problems is
connected with the practice of collecting. The informants should
definitely be interviewed in the sign language. It is possible
to record the text on videotape. With information in the sign
language serious language problems arise, because in written
record of the text the components of storytelling and individualities
caused by the visual nature of the sign language will be lost.
Of course, there are no single
and correct methods of collecting the life stories of the deaf.
For example, in the collection of biographies Being Deaf:
the Experience of Deafness published in England in 1991 by
George Taylor and Juliet Bishop different methods were used:
some wrote down their life stories, others were interviewed,
while the interview language varied from spoken language to signed
spoken language and sign language. In a few cases sign language
interpreters were used.
It is obvious that the collection
method significantly influences the interpretation of biographies:
depending on the applied method, the focus of the information
delivered by the deaf differs (for example the biography of a
deaf in writing may prove much more formal than in sign language,
on the other hand he/she might be annoyed by filming).
An important part is also played
by the person to whom one's biography is told (written) and the
by motive why it is told (written). Depending on that choices
are made, what is revealed of one's life story and how.
The third significant problem
area proceeds from interpretation. It is substantial how the
deaf person him/herself interprets his/her course of life: it
may markedly differ from how it is done by his/her close ones
(family members, relatives, acquaintances), especially if they
are hearers. The latter fact must not be disregarded when discussing
material obtained from hearers.
The biographies of the deaf
reflect how they have managed in the world of hearers, how they
have arranged their life and solved their language problems,
Deaf biographies research
in Estonia
The Estonian Literary Museum
started collecting biographies systematically in autumn 1989.
In order to co-ordinate the collecting and research of biographies
and create a biography bank the Society of Estonian Life Stories
was founded at the Literary Museum in 1996. Several thematic
competitions have been organised (for example "The fate
of me and my kin in the turns of history", 1997; "A
hundred biographies of the century", 1999; "The Life
of myself and my family on Estonian SSR and the Republic of Estonia",
2000-2001) to which written narratives were sent by correspondents
from all over Estonia and outside Estonia. Collections of the
contributions have been published (Annuk 1997; Karusoo 1997;
Hinrikus 1999 and 2000).
Although in Estonia attempts
have been made to render the collecting of deaf biographies important,
actually the specific collection and research of deaf people's
biographies is still non-existent. There are different sources
that include interesting data and biographical events about deaf
people, but these are not systematised. In the following I deal
with what was done at the end of the 1980s and at the beginning
of the 1990s, activities which unfortunately were not continued.
The first step in this area was a call for collecting
historical material related to the Estonian deaf and deafness.
The call was presented on the initiative of the Estonian Deaf
Association in connection with the preparations for the 70th
anniversary of the Estonian Society of Estonian Deaf-Mutes in
1992. From this action the organisation of collecting, storing
and using of deafness-related material was to start, also an
overview of teaching, employment, servicing, etc. of Estonian
deaf and hearing-impaired people in the past and today was to
be compiled. A request was made that all documents and other
materials belonging to the educational establishments of the
deaf (both comprehensive and vocational) and to the societies
of the deaf-mute be donated to national museums. Estonian National
Museum, Literary Museum, Health Museum, Sports Museum and the
Museum of Pedagogy were interested in materials about the deaf
and deafness. Among other activities already then attention was
drawn to collecting the biographies of deaf photographers, craftsmen,
hawkers, sportsmen, leaders of the deaf movement, etc.
The most remarkable result
of this initiative from the aspect of deaf history is Eesti
kurtide elu ajaraamat [The Chronicle of the Estonian Deaf
Life] (1997), a three-volume chronicle compiled by experienced
teachers of the deaf, Juta and Kaarel Kotsar. It was published
in honour of the 75th anniversary of the Estonian Deaf Association,
and treats the life of the Estonian deaf in the years 1920-1950.
(3) It is a so-called imaginational
chronicle, which deals with the organisation of the Estonian
deaf and the main events of their social life in chronological
order. The three volumes of the work describe the life of the
Estonian deaf in the earlier period (19th century), the striving
of the Estonian deaf-mutes for organising their joint activities,
culture and daily routine (economic activities, education, sport,
social life, publications, celebrations, symbols, relations with
the church, relationships with the organisations of the deaf-mutes
in other countries, etc.) in the 1920s-1930s in the Republic
of Estonia before World War II, and later in the 1940s-1950s
during the Soviet period.
From the aspect of this article
the chronicle is of interest mainly because it includes absorbing
biographical notes about the most significant activists of the
Estonian deaf movement (for example A. Jegorov, who is one of
the most well-known deaf artists in Estonia, K. Luht, O. Suits,
et al.).
The second step in spreading information about the
collecting of the deaf biographies was in my opinion the appeal
by the editorial of the newspaper Kurtide Elu [Deaf Life].
The February issue of 1990 (No 31-32, p. 5) published Vidrik
Siim's brief reminiscence of deportation, more exactly, how his
family managed to escape from deporting.
I remember the day of deportation.
It was 25th March 1949. I was a 13-year-old boy. I was at home
in Hageri for holidays. Before lunch I saw many trucks on the
road, driving towards Kohila. There were women, children, 4 soldiers
with bayonets in the truck bed. Mother and brother went to the
village and came back quickly. We dressed, there was no time
to eat. The neighbour helped us go to Kohila through the woods,
we went with a horse. We were scared. There were many people
with us. We went to Tallinn to our aunt. In the morning I went
on to Porkuni school. Two girls from my class were missing. They
had been deported to Siberia. After Stalin's death one of the
girls came back together with her mother, the other stayed in
Alda Toplan's family was deported from near Haljala on 25th of
March. Came back from Siberia. Married, lives in Rakvere. Her
son works in Haljala and daughter entered the University of Tartu.
Mother lives and remembers.
In connection with Vidrik Siim's
contribution, the editorial board of the newspaper, consisting
of hearers, made a proposal to send any information about the
violation of the human rights of the deaf: "At first we
focus our attention on deportation to get answers to questions
who and how many of the deaf in Estonia were deported, what their
life was like in exile and later, etc. As this may grow into
quite a wide-ranging work, it would be good if some reader (preferably
deaf) found time and chance to do it [---] We are also grateful
for any information from those deported or those who just remember."
The memories of the deported deaf were published in the column
Live and Remember, which was evidently named after the
final sentence of Vidrik Siim's writing.
In the above-mentioned column
of the following couple of numbers the Kurtide Elu newspaper
published memoirs of some people who had been deported.
The third step is the appeal by Eike Surva to record
the biographies of the deaf in connection with the idea of founding
a deaf museum in Estonia: "Now that here and there the question
of founding a deaf museum and of collecting and storing ethnic
material is under consideration, the more literary deaf might
start writing down their life stories. Those who are younger
and smarter, please help the older ones record their memories
of the past and compare the past times with today! Who does not
remember the past, will live without the future" (Surva
1990: 5). This appeal was published in the newspaper Kurtide
Elu under the heading My, Your, Our Biography.
Written self-expression is
complicated for inborn deafs because of poor spoken language
skills (of course, there are exceptions). It is usually not a
problem for people with acquired deafness, who managed to learn
to speak before losing audition. Therefore it is understandable
that the link between the editorial board of the newspaper, expecting
contributions, and the readers, who communicate in sign language,
did not become as strong as anticipated. It is likely that quite
few of the deaf who use sign language only dared to write down
their biography. As far as is known to me, special biographical
interviews have not been made in the community of the deaf in
References including biographical
material about the Estonian deaf
Family tradition. One of the sources of the history
of the deaf is deaf folklore. The biographical substance emerges
just in family narratives. The carriers of the narrative tradition
are 1) families of the hereditary deaf (deafness reaches over
several generations); 2) the so-called mixed families (mostly
hearers, including some few deaf relatives). From the linguistic
point of view, regarding the above groups, the stories in signed
language can be distinguished as those which are told among the
deaf relatives and transferred to the deaf of the next generation,
and those which are spoken by hearers about their deaf family
Such family narratives include,
for example, stories about deafness in one's family (how it started),
about deaf ancestors, how to cope in the hearers' world (relations
with hearers-neighbours, relatives), stories about family events
(marriage: who is suitable, who is not; the birth of children,
principles of child-rearing in deaf families, etc.), in other
words - the transmission of origin and wisdom between generations.
As regards the Estonian deaf, this whole area is still waiting
to be studied.
Archive materials, manuscripts.
There are interesting
materials in archives (e.g. in History Archives, the Estonian
Folklore Archives and Cultural History Archives of the Estonian
Literary Museum, Estonian National Museum, etc.), but these are
not systematised.
Genealogical sources (family
trees, church registers, etc.) are interesting in relation to
hereditary deafness. In Estonia the proportion of hereditary
deafness is the highest on one of the islands in western Estonia,
Hiiumaa (see Saar & Tarvel 1988: 54-85).
Materials in handwriting (correspondence,
notes) may be found with people who are in touch with the deaf
(family members, relatives, sign language interpreters, teachers,
Literature. Biographical data about the significant
leaders of the deaf movement (e.g. Karl Luht, Andrei Jegorov,
Eduard Kalm, etc.) can be found in the book Eesti kurtide
elu ajaraamat by J. and K. Kotsar.
The monograph Andrei Jegorov
(1878-1954). Elu ja looming [Andrei Jegorov (1878-1954).
Life and Creation] by Boris Enst has been published about the
deaf artist Andrei Jegorov. Exciting biographical fragments about
the life of A. Jegorov can also be found in Pirnipuu, pronks
ja marmor: Jutustus Amandus Adamsoni Paldiski aastaist (1918-1929)
(4) [Pear-tree, Bronze and Marble. A
Story about the Paldiski Years of Amandus Adamson] by Hans Laar.
A. Jegorov and A. Adamson communicated
in writing. A. Jegorov was born in Estonia, but educated in Russia
according to the mimic-gesticulative method. He could not articulate,
that is why he communicated with people by means of a pencil
and paper.
The school memories of many
deaf persons are found in the collection published for the 100th
anniversary of the Porkuni Deaf School 100 aastat Eesti kurtide
kooli. Porkuni Kurtide Laste Internaatkooli almanahh
[A 100 Years of Estonian Deaf School. Almanac of Porkuni Boarding
School for Deaf Children].
Newspapers and magazines. Large amount of biographical material
about the deaf has been published in the written press, both
in their own publications (for instance in the newspapers Kurttummade
Hääl [The Voice of the Deaf-Mute], Kurttummade
Sõber (a, b) [The Friend of the Deaf-Mute], Kurtide
Elu [Deaf Life], Silmaring [Horizon] (5), but
also in national periodicals.
The texts published in the
deaf publications are mainly autobiographies, but there are also
biographical descriptions and interviews. The texts in the hearers'
periodicals are mostly descriptive or commenting articles (the
narrator is not in the first person) or dialogues in the form
of the interview (the first person form of the deaf interlocutor
has got lost to some degree). Usually a sign language interpreter
has been used for communication.
The biography of Karl Luht,
which was published on the newspaper Kurttummade Sõber
in 1935 titled Mina ja Vändra kool [Me and the Vändra
School] (6) (Luht 1935: 11-13) is very interesting.
Stylistically the biography written by K. Luht is adorned, including
abundant biblical verse and religious reflections. K. Luht preaches
the Christian congregation of Estonia to pay attention to the
deaf-mutes, to provide school education and Christianity to them,
so that they did not remain pagans. He urges his fellow people
not to tease or laugh at the deaf-mute, but to live side by side
with them in Christian love.
Karl Luht was born in 1871.
He was the chairman of the Society of the Estonian Deaf-Mutes
in 1922-1924 and 1927-1928. He was a hawker by profession, travelling
continuously all around Estonia. That is why his possibilities
to lead and develop the society were limited, but it was better,
however, for creating contacts with the deaf-mutes living in
different places (Kotsar & Kotsar 1997: I, 19, 22).
K. Luht is known to have lost
hearing at the age of three because of a disease (according to
some data, because of a startle) and his speaking skills were
good, quite similar to a hearer (Kotsar & Kotsar 1997: I,
25). He regards the lack of hearing ability very tragic:
I lived like in dark ignorance,
because no ray of light or reason reached my emotions. My mind
was in ashes and could not get to deep spiritual light or rise
up to see the love and grace of God. Only as far as the deaf-mute
sees, as great and wide is his horizon. The stores of the treasure
of knowledge, the books are quite locked up for him. Words and
sentences cannot broaden his scope. Voice has no control over
Karl's wife Marie (born in
1875) lost her hearing at the age of 5 after encephalitis. Both
went to Vändra Deaf-Mute School and were among the most
educated deaf-mutes at that time (Kotsar & Kotsar 1997: I,
Osvald Suits' autobiography,
which was published in the newspaper Kurttummade Sõber
in 1935 titled Kuidas jäin kurttummaks [How I became
deaf-mute] is quite original. As by the time he became deaf,
O. Suits had already years of experience in speaking and writing,
his biography is fluent both in style and wording. He concentrates
on his development, describes how he joined the deaf community
(Suits 1935: 38-40).
O. Suits was born in 1904 as
a hearer. He studied successfully in Tallinn Nikolai Gynasium
(later Gustav Adolf Gymnasium). He developed deafness at the
age of 15 as a result of otitis media. Born a hearer, his hearing
impairment was a painful blow for him: "I envy many deaf-mutes,
who can hear a little, but cannot appreciate it. If I heard even
as little as loud radio music - I would be happy."
He studied to become a shoemaker
and joined the society of the deaf-mutes at the age of 21. Osvald
Suits was the clerk of the Society of the Estonian Deaf-Mutes
(1928-1939) and achieved great authority among the society members
(Kotsar & Kotsar 1997: I, 5). According to O. Suits: "Since
the time I have communicated only with deaf-mutes and the deaf,
they have become close to me and I have become completely their
In addition to the above stories
from the 1930s I have selected others from the 1990s, from the
Kodutohter magazine. The article Tavapäraste arvamuste
hajumise päev [The Day Stereotypical Opinions Faded
Away] was published in the column Saatust trotsides [Challenging
One's Destiny] (Johanson 1996: 44-47). The journalist Mall Johanson
interviewed the deaf from two families using a sign language
interpreter. The journalist's questions were answered by Liilia
Kurg, Janne ja Irina Kankkonen.
The first person of the interviewees
has got lost, at the same time it is interesting to follow the
author's, a hearer's, reflections on attitudes to deafness. She
expects to find miserable and embittered people, but discovers
that the deaf form a close-knit community with their language
and traditions.
Although the deaf in this story
admit that there are several obstacles for them to take full
part in public affairs in Estonia, they are happy about many
new technical facilities that make communication between themselves
and with hearers easier (e.g. communication by mobile phones'
SMS-function, fax machines, electronic mail, etc.).
One of the journalist's interlocutors,
Janne Kankkonen, who comes from Finland and lives in Sweden,
declares he does not want to be a hearer. He comes from a family
in which hereditary deafness is traced down to six generations.
His mother, father, sisters and brothers are also deaf. J. Kankkonen
is married to Irina, who comes from Estonia and is deaf too.
He wants their children also to be born deaf.
In the above biographical material
it is remarkable how the reasons of deafness are unfolded (result
of an illness, heredity, etc.), what the attitude is to one's
deafness (either misfortune or unique singularity), how it is
influenced by the starting time of deafness (childhood, later
in life). It becomes evident that the attitude of the deaf to
the lack of their hearing ability has changed over the time (compare
e.g. Karl Luht, Osvald Suits and Janne Kankkonen), the attitude
of fellow people is also changing (experience of the journalist
Mall Johanson).
Videos, television programmes. Films and videos include valuable
biographical material about the deaf. I refer here to the educational
film Vaegkuulja elukaar ja valikud [The Life Curve and
Choices Of Hearing-Impaired People] and the TV programme Hääled
vaikuses [Voices in Silence]. (7) Biographical
fragments are likely to be found also in the television programme
Silmside [Eye Connection], directed to the deaf in the 1980s,
in Võin ja suudan [I Can and I Manage], for people
with different disabilities in the 1990s and the programme currently
on Estonian Television, Inimeselt inimesele [Man to Man].
But especially valuable is
the material the deaf themselves have recorded of their family
events (weddings, birthdays, etc.), activities (camps, outings,
trips), etc.
In Conclusion
In several countries, including
Estonia, the treatment of the deaf as a lingual-cultural minority
is a novel approach, which places the problem of deafness in
the sphere of interest of such branches of science, which so
far have regarded it an area of medicine, special education and
social work.(8) Now also linguistics
together with its various branches is interested in deafness,
as well as folkloristics, (9) sociology,
anthropology, etc.
With respect to treating deafness
as a cultural phenomenon we cannot ignore the medical standpoint
that handles deafness as a deviation from the norm or a disability.
My reference to gene technology in connection with traditional
history in the introduction to this article, it was not really
a random remark. As deafness has been through years regarded
mainly as a disability, efforts have been made to eliminate it,
both at the level of folk medicine and today's high level technology
of the medical science. Elimination of deafness can also be dealt
as an approach to what is considered a norm, i.e. to hearing
and a hearer. It is possible nowadays to treat or cure deafness
by means of operative procedures, the inner ear implants are
more suitable for those who have the hearing experience (i.e.
the post-lingually deaf). Operation is followed by hearing, lip-reading
and speech training, etc. So far there is no remedy to hereditary
deafness. Would it be possible to hamper it at the genetic level?
Although the aspiration of the humankind for health and perfection
is understandable, the society consisting of the strong and vital
only seems a utopia. To a certain degree, attitudes to handicapped
people also reflect the humanity of the humankind. In this sense
the deaf are a borderline group - they are as if disabled and
yet they are not. (10) Just the sign
language and their culture based on visual perception of the
world distinguish them from other groups of disabled people.
Therefore the cochlear operations have caused extensive polemical
arguments on the ethics of medicine.
From the point of tradition,
elimination of deafness may be to a certain degree seen as interference
in the memory and traditions of the deaf, in the opinion of the
radical deaf even an invasion to their culture. Now already the
deaf communities in some countries have established groups to
fight against the cochlear implant. (11) Among
the folk tales in the sign language there are already stories
about the harmfulness of the inner ear implant. In this sense
the biographies of those who have undergone operation seem interesting.
In my opinion also the so-called mixed marriage group is interesting,
i.e. in which one in the couple is deaf, the other a hearer.
Such families are also interesting from the angle of opposing
public attitudes and moreover, because of the linguistic environment
that develops in the family, etc. (12) All
the above topics and problems are reflected in the deaf folklore.
On the basis of the aforesaid
it can be stated that the deaf are not as eager to write their
biographies as the hearers are. Yet some of them (usually those
who have become deaf at a later age) have made biographical notes
or let their close ones, sign language interpreters or other
people connected with the community do it. Autobiographies of
the deaf are rare. Mainly the biographical material of the deaf
has been recorded by hearers and published in articles. Therefore,
to add to the collected material, attention should be paid to
the folklore of the deaf community from the inside, i.e. to the
narrative tradition in the sign language, in which biographical
stories are handed over from one generation of the deaf to the
The collecting process should
take more use of filming, because in this way the linguistically
primary source is recorded. The so-called more literate deaf
should definitely be encouraged to write down their biographies.
In order to study, how deafness (both inborn and acquired) has
influenced the life of the deaf in Estonia as well as their relatives,
collecting of biographies should be initiated under a project
targeted particularly at the deaf. Another and a broader approach
is to follow the life of deaf people in different periods in
history (in the Republic of Estonia before the World War II,
during the Soviet period, after Estonia regained independence
in the 1990s, etc.). The interpretation of the biographical material
of the deaf will provide an overview of the changes in the mentality
of both the deaf and hearers. This will reveal the choices that
the deaf have made themselves or that have been made for them.
In Estonia all the above-mentioned aspects are still in need
of study.
The cochlear implant is
perceived by many Deaf people as the negation of their culture
and identity - Cartoon balloon, "Come here! I will operate
on you to become hearing." "Never! Crazy! I prefer
to be deaf!"
Cartoonist: Olivier Waegemans,
Belgium |
Translated by Ann Kuslap
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Eesti rahva elulood I. Tallinn.
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arvamuste hajumise päev. - Kodutohter, nr. 5, lk.
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Kurttummade Sõber (a) 1900, nr. 4, 6; 1901, nr. 4, 5.
Kurttummade Sõber (b). 1934-1935; 1936, nr. 1-5.
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- Eda Kalmre (koost.). Kuuldust-nähtust. Tänapäeva
folkloorist IV. Tartu, lk. 61-86, 238-240.
Paales, Liina 2000. Eesti
kurdipärimuse piirjooni maailma kurdipärimuse ja rahvaluuleteooria
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Paales, Liina 2000a. Biographies
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"Oral History as the Reflector of Societal Change and Emerging
Cultural Differences and Values". Abstracts in English and
in Estonian.;
Paales, Liina 2001. Kas viipekeeles
saab laulda - ehk kurdipärimuse liikidest eesti viipekeelse
rahvaluule näitel. - Hiiemäe, Mall & Labi, Kanni
(koost.). Klaasmäel. Pro folkloristica VIII. Tartu,
lk. 129-148.
Paavel, Valdeko 1992. Sotsiaaltöö
võimalusi Eesti kurtide probleemide lahendamisel.
Master's degree thesis. Tartu. Manuscript in the Library of the
University of Tartu.
Pihus, Ene 1990. Ela ja mäleta.
Tiina Tillison. - Kurtide Elu, nr. 34-35, lk. 5.
Rutherford, Susan D. 1993.
A Study of American Deaf Folklore. Linstok Press.
Saar, J. & Tarvel, J. 1988.
Eesti NSV kuulmispuuetega elanikkonna sotsiaalne portree. - Kuulmispuuetega
inimesed ja nende probleemid Eestis. Tallinn, lk. 54-85.
Sada aastat Eesti kurtide
kooli 1966. Porkuni
kurtide laste internaatkooli almanahh. Porkuni.
Siim, Vidrik 1990. Kurtide
Elu, nr. 31-32, lk. 5.
Suits, Osvald 1935. Kuidas
jäin kurttummaks. - Kurttummade Sõber, nr.
3 (4), lk. 38-40.
Surva, Eike 1990. Minu, sinu,
meie elulugu. - Kurtide Elu, nr. 36-37, lk. 5.
Taylor, G. & Bishop, J.
(eds). 1991. Being Deaf: the Experience of Deafness. London.
References from text:
About attitude to deafness see for example the article by Roger
J. Carver Attitudes Towards the Deaf: A Historical Overview
in the Internet,
and the brief survey Attitudes in Ancient Times Towards Deafness
Thesis for the Master's Degree Eesti kurdipärimuse piirjooni
maailma kurdipärimuse ja rahvaluuleteooria taustal [An
Outline of Estonian Deaflore against the background of International
Deaflore and Folklore Theory] (Paales 2000), see the summary
in English at
The Deaf community and their folklore has also been introduced
in my articles (Paales 1999, 2001). Back
The three-volume chronicle is based on extensive source material:
correspondence between deaf people, minutes and other documents
of the Society of Estonian Deaf-Mutes, which would require thorough
study to give an analytical and conclusive review about the history
of the Estonian deaf community and its major events, so that
it could be used in reference books, etc. Back
Adamson, Amandus Heinrich (1855-1929), Estonian sculptor. Back
Silmaring is a Christian magazine of the Estonian deaf. For biographical
material it is interesting because of the religious experiences
of the deaf and the respective descriptions. Back
The first Estonian deaf school, founded by Lutheran pastor Ernst
Sokolovski in Vändra in 1866. In 1924 the school was moved
to Porkuni, where it was named the State Deaf-Mute School. Back
Fragments of the videotaped materials can be seen at:
(Paales 2000a). Narrators V. Ilves, who works as a furniture
renovator and M. Mändsoo, who works as a teacher of physical
education in Tallinn Deaf School. The text in Estonian Sign Language
is subtitled for the Estonian-speaking audience. Back
See for example V. Paavel 1992. Back
For the first time the folklore in sign language was treated
more thoroughly in the 1970s by the researchers of the USA on
the example of the community there (e.g. Rutherford 1993). Back
The international association of the deaf (CISS - Comité
International des Sports des Sourds) is the oldest sports
association of disabled people (founded in 1924 in Paris). Since
1986 CISS has been part of the sports movement of disabled people
- with the exception that the deaf and hearing impaired do not
compete in the Paraolympic Games, which take place in the same
places as the Olympic Games. The World Games for the Deaf are
held a year later, being in essence the Olympics of this minority
group. These quadrennial contests are acknowledged by IOC and
so the five-ring Olympic flag is hoisted at the World Games for
the Deaf (Eesti Kurtide Spordiliidu infobülletään
[Information bulletin of the Sports Association of the Estonian
Deaf] 1997, p. 12).
The physically impaired deaf athlete Anneli Ojastu, who took
part in the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta, was due to her remarkable
results awarded the title of The Woman of the Year in Estonia
(Kroonika 1996. - Eesti Naine, January 1997, pp 18-19). Back
Cochlear implant is the prosthesis of the inner ear, which is
suitable for those who have been hearers. Cochlear implant was
used for the first time in the world in 1978. The owner of the
implant has to wear a speech processor on the waist and a transmitter.
The speech processor, which is connected through electrodes to
the auditory nerves in the inner ear, it converts sound signals
into electrical impulses, which have direct impact on nerve fibres.
The first cochlear implants in Estonia were implanted in 2000.
The following example explains that the deaf do not consider
their deafness a disturbing factor, but the implant intended
to eliminate it "I have heard from the deaf who live abroad
that the cochlear implant is not harmless. Having undergone such
operation, you cannot go to the sauna, swim or sunbathe. I haven't
inquired if it is true. I was told that a deaf person, who had
undergone this operation, was paralysed later in life, just on
the side of the face where the implant was in the head."
(Paales 2000: 206). Back
In an Estonian medical handbook of the 1980s the following prophylactic
advice is found: "To avoid deafness refrain from marrying
a person, in whose family deaf-muteness has occurred" (Luts
1989: 228). In daily life medical as well as other prescriptions
are ignored. In families with hereditary deafness an absolutely
opposite rule is applied - you should marry a deaf person, because
there will never be such mutual understanding between a hearer
and deaf as between two deaf people (and not only because of
different language systems). Back