I Üldised

Treebanks for spoken language – some reflections

Jens Allwood. http://www.ling.gu.se/~jens/publications/docs%20101-150/105-1.pdf

Henrichseni artikkel

Kolmest eestikeelsest lausest puud teha.

II Verbmobil treebanks ja nende edasiarendused

http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kordoni/papers/treebanks.pdf (põhiartikkel)

http://www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~kuebler/papers/tlt_tueba.pdf (Tübingeni suulise keele korpus)

http://www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~kuebler/papers/GermanEstimation.pdf (näited saksakeelsete puude kohta ja seletus, mille poolest erineb märgendus kirjalikust, oluline just algusosa)

III Hollandi suulise keele pank

Heleen Hoekstra, Michael Moortgat, Ineke Schuurman and Ton van der Wouden (2001): "Syntactic Annotation for the Spoken Dutch Corpus project (CGN)" , in Walter Daelemans et al. Proceedings of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2000 , Rodopi, Amsterdam-Atlanta, pp 73-87.

Ton van der Wouden, Heleen Hoekstra, Michael Moortgat, Bram Renmans and Ineke Schuurman (2002): Syntactic Analysis in The Spoken Dutch Corpus (CGN) in: Proceedings of the Third International Confererence on Language Resources and Evaluation, European Language Resources Evaluation, Paris.

Ineke Schuurman, Wim Goedertier, Heleen Hoekstra, Nelleke Oostdijk, Richard Piepenbrock, Machteld Schouppe (2004): "Linguistic annotation of the Spoken Dutch Corpus: If we had to do it all over again ...", in Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Lisbon, vol. I, pp. 57-60