Marko Prous

University of Tartu

Interests: phylogenetics, taxonomy, sawflies, Nanopore sequencing


A list of largely overlapping profile pages

Estonian Research Portal (ETIS) - inevitable for scientists in Estonia.

Mendeley - a literature manager. Becomes dead slow with large amount (thousands) of pdfs.

Google Scholar - has some useful features, like automatically tracking citations and suggesting literature to read based on the profile. Unfortunately, the Googlebot is still pretty stupid. It constantly creates duplicates (even if publications have DOI numbers) and adds wrong citations to papers (leading to inflation of citation rates). For example, the number of citations to my thesis is "slightly" too high, because it is also counting (some) later PhD thesis published in Dissertationes Biologicae Universitatis Tartuensis (all previous theses published there get simply listed at the end of every thesis). Then again, Google Scholar lists far more journals than Web of Science which undercounts citations.

ORCID - can turn out to be useful if journals and institutions adopted these unique identifiers. Profile data (publications etc.) could be updated and shared automatically with this system, eliminating the need to update manually the profile pages listed above.


And something else, less redundant

Regnum: Animalia (in estonian)



Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences

University of Tartu

Vanemuise 46

51014 Tartu


mprous @


Skype mprous1